Results for 'Hugo Saúl Rojas Pérez'

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  1.  15
    (1 other version)Trabajadores fronterizos para el flujo mercantil global entre México y CentroaméricaWorkers in the border for the global mercantile flow between México and Central America.Hugo Saúl Rojas Pérez - 2020 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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    Desafíos prácticos de la libertad del científico en la sociedad postindustrial.Hugo Saúl Ramírez García - 2007 - In Jesús Ballesteros & Encarna Fernández (eds.), Biotecnología y posthumanismo. Cizur Menor (Navarra): Editorial Aranzadi.
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  3. Transferencia tecnológica en el proceso de vinculación universidad-sector productivo.Cynthia Martínez de Carrasquero & Ligibther Rojas Pérez - 2002 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (6):87-97.
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    Transformaciones políticas en México. Un diálogo con Virginia Aspe.Hugo Saúl Ramírez-García & Jaime Olaiz-González - 2022 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 64:459-474.
    In “The Political Dilemmas of Mexico’s Transformations: A Philosophical Approach”, Virginia Aspe explores the character of political transformations in Mexico addressing the following questions: a) What does the notion “political transformation of Mexico” entail? b) What are the philosophical arguments behind the three political transformations that Mexico has experienced since the 19th century? c) What are the political arguments with which the so-called “fourth political transformation” of Mexico is being promoted? Our article offers a series of arguments to begin a (...)
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    Non Experts: Which Ones Would Trust You?Saúl Pérez-González & María Jiménez-Buedo - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (5):610-625.
    Following Goldman’s seminal work, most contemporary philosophical contributions on the novice-expert relation have adopted a normative, expert-focused approach. In this paper, we aim to shift the focus of the philosophical analysis towards the characteristics of the novices, and how they might determine the choices that experts make. On the bases of recent empirical evidence from social psychology, we discuss how novices evaluate the messages that they receive and distinguish diverse kinds of novices according to their competence in message assessment. Building (...)
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  6. Mechanisms and science denialism: explaining the global lung cancer epidemic.Saúl Pérez-González - 2020 - Disputatio 9 (13).
    Explanation is one of the main aims of science. Scientists frequently seek to explain scientific phenomena. This paper addresses the relationship between scientific explanation and science denialism. In it, explanatory wars are introduced. An explanatory war is a situation in which the standard scientific explanation of a phenomenon is systematically denied by a group of people. It is argued that the mechanistic account of scientific explanation is helpful in order to face this kind of science denialism. Mechanistic explanations are resistant (...)
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    Assessing the role of evidence of mechanisms in causal extrapolation.Saúl Pérez-González & Valeriano Iranzo - 2021 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 36 (2):211-228.
    Extrapolation of causal claims from study populations to other populations of interest is a problematic issue. The standard approach in experimental research, which prioritises randomized controlled trials and statistical evidence, is not devoid of difficulties. Granted that, it has been defended that evidence of mechanisms is indispensable for causal extrapolation. We argue, contrarily, that this sort of evidence is not indispensable. Nonetheless, we also think that occasionally it may be helpful. In order to clarify its relevance, we introduce a distinction (...)
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    (2 other versions)Objetos matemáticos sensibles y objetos Matemáticos inteligibles.Víctor Hugo Chica Pérez, Luis F. Echeverri & Edwin Zarrazola - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 54:187-205.
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    Wittgenstein y el método de análisis por tipos proposicionales en Sobre la Certeza.Víctor Hugo Chica Pérez - 2015 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 52:141-160.
    My purpose in this article is to provide a reconstruction of the mechanics of philosophical analysis that Wittgenstein carried out in “On Certainty”. I will show that this analysis is based, specifically, on an appeal to a wide propositional typology that serves to evaluate and diagnose Moore’s propositions. To this end, I shall first explain how common readings of the methodological issues in “On Certainty” fail. Secondly, I focus on the mechanics of analysis found in paragraphs 1-65, specifically the analysis (...)
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    Chilean Adaptation and Validation of the Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire-Revised Version.Marianela Hoffmann, J. Carola Pérez, Catalina García, Graciela Rojas & Vania Martínez - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Vuelta a la noción de totalitarismo en venezuela.Hugo Antonio Pérez Hernáiz - 2011 - Aposta 49:1.
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    Remembrance Subjectivities, Narrative Marks and Cultural Trauma in the Construction of Memory of FARC-EP Demobilized Combatants in the AETCR Pondores.Sergio Daniel Rojas-Sierra & Tito Hernando Pérez Pérez - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 26:179-200.
    In recent decades, memory studies in Colombia in relation to the internal armed conflict have become a point of reference for multidisciplinary work with collectives and communities, and are also an important topic on the state agenda. This article explores the remembering subjectivities, narrative marks and cultural trauma that emerge from the experiences and perspectives in a memory work Antiguo Espacio Territorial de Capacitación y Reincorporación (AETCR) de Pondores. In addition, the tensions involved in thinking about cultural trauma from subjects (...)
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  13.  28
    Mechanistic explanations and components of social mechanisms.Saúl Pérez-González - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (3):1-18.
    The past two decades have witnessed an increase in interest in social mechanisms and mechanistic explanations of social macro-phenomena. This paper addresses the question of what the components of social mechanisms in mechanistic explanations of social macro-phenomena must be. Analytical sociology’s initial position and the main new proposals by analytical sociologists are discussed. It is argued that all of them are faced with outstanding difficulties. Subsequently, a minimal requirement regarding the components of social mechanisms is introduced. It is held that (...)
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  14.  39
    Evolutionary causes as mechanisms: a critical analysis.Saúl Pérez-González & Victor J. Luque - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (2):13.
    In this paper, we address the question whether a mechanistic approach can account for evolutionary causes. The last decade has seen a major attempt to account for natural selection as a mechanism. Nevertheless, we stress the relevance of broadening the debate by including the other evolutionary causes inside the mechanistic approach, in order to be a legitimate conceptual framework on the same footing as other approaches to evolutionary theory. We analyse the current debate on natural selection as a mechanism, and (...)
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  15. La teoría social como metáfora visual.Hugo Antonio Pérez Hernáiz - 2009 - Aposta 40:3.
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    Evidence of Biological Mechanisms and Health Predictions: An Insight into Clinical Reasoning.Saúl Pérez-González & Elena Rocca - 2022 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65 (1):89-105.
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    La solución de Wittgenstein al problema del "concepto caballo", o de cómo hablar acerca de la estructura del lenguaje según el Tractatus.Víctor Hugo Chica Pérez - 2018 - Co-herencia 15 (29):153-177.
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  18. Hermenéutica y Símbolo en el Psicoanálisis Freudiano.M. F. Víctor Hugo Valdés Pérez - 2002 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 88.
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    M.J. Sandel, El descontento democrático: en busca de una filosofía pública, Barcelona, Penguin Random House, 2023, 448 pp. [REVIEW]Hugo Neves Pérez - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (3):401-403.
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  20. La autoconciencia: una angustia filosófica.Reyes Antonio Pérez Rojas - 1977 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 41:233-236.
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    Evidence and Computer Simulations in Public Health.Valeriano Iranzo & Saúl Pérez-González - 2024 - Global Philosophy 34 (1):1-21.
    In the last decades, the evidence-based approach has become dominant in the biomedical sciences. Its influence has extended from clinical practice to other areas such as drug regulation and public health. Nonetheless, given the limitations of the evidence-based framework, a more pluralist approach towards evidence has been demanded. In this sense, evidential pluralism holds that evidence of mechanisms should complement statistical evidence. This paper aims to explore and discuss the prospects of evidential pluralism in public health. First, we will analyse (...)
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    Evidence of mechanisms in evidence-based policy.Saúl Pérez-González - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 103 (C):95-104.
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    Wittgenstein contra Russell en el Cuaderno Azul. Deconstruyendo la explicación causal del significado.Víctor Hugo Chica Pérez - 2023 - Revista Filosofía Uis 22 (2):221-242.
    Este artículo evalúa los alcances del Cuaderno Azul como crítica sistemática en contra de la que se ha denominado una concepción o explicación causal del significado, específicamente la que formula Russell en The Analysis of Mind. Tal evaluación procederá, primero, aclarando la manera como la concepción causal defiende una noción de significado entendida como la conducta adecuada según el acontecer de leyes causales de orden psicológico. En segundo lugar, desarrollando la crítica que Wittgenstein elabora en el Cuaderno Azul contra la (...)
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    GLENNAN, Stuart : The New Mechanical Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [REVIEW]Saúl Pérez-González - 2018 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 74:227-230.
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    Metafísica descriptiva y análisis conceptual en el pensamiento de P.F. Strawson.Víctor Hugo Chica Pérez - 2009 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 39:243-265.
    El propósito de este texto es aclarar la dirección, los alcances y los límites del análisis filosófico según lo concibe Peter Strawson en Análisis y metafísica. Para el autor el análisis filosófico asume la forma de una metafísica descriptiva, esto es, de una teoría que exhibe cuáles son, y cómo se relacionan, los distintos elementos que componen nuestro esquema conceptual ordinario. Para lograr tal teoría descriptiva se debe adoptar un estilo de análisis que el autor denomina conectivo, cuya meta es (...)
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    Epidemiological models and COVID-19: a comparative view.Valeriano Iranzo & Saúl Pérez-González - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (3):1-24.
    Epidemiological models have played a central role in the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly when urgent decisions were required and available evidence was sparse. They have been used to predict the evolution of the disease and to inform policy-making. In this paper, we address two kinds of epidemiological models widely used in the pandemic, namely, compartmental models and agent-based models. After describing their essentials—some real examples are invoked—we discuss their main strengths and weaknesses. Then, on the basis of this analysis, we make (...)
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    The reliability of evidential pluralism in drug regulation.Mattia Andreoletti & Saúl Pérez-González - 2024 - Synthese 204 (1):1-23.
    The aim of this paper is to shed light on and critically evaluate the potential impact of evidential pluralism in the realm of pharmaceutical regulation. In the complex landscape of drug evaluation and approval, the role of evidence is pivotal. Firstly, we delve into the role of evidence of mechanisms within drug regulation, with a particular focus on the Accelerated Approval pathway administered by the US Food and Drug Administration. Our analysis reveals that this program, in practice, closely resembles a (...)
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    Nuevo equipo editorial y las proyecciones de Resonancias.Felipe Álvarez, Javier Castillo, Nicolás Antonio Rojas Cortés & Hugo Alarcón - 2023 - Resonancias Revista de Filosofía 15:7-11.
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    The Past and Future of Analytic Philosophy in Spain: XX Years of Taller d’Investigació en Filosofia.Marta Cabrera, Joan Gimeno-Simó & Saúl Pérez-González - 2019 - Quaderns de Filosofia 6 (2):11.
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    PÉREZ-BORBUJO, Fernando, El principio de angustia, Barcelona: Herder, 2022.Alejandro Rojas Jiménez - 2022 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 27 (2):187-188.
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    (1 other version)Más allá del criticismo radical. Lange y la herencia kantiana en Nietzsche.Raúl Villarroel Soto, Daniel Pérez Fajardo & Nicolás Rojas Cortés - 2020 - Revista de Filosofía 77:205-215.
    El esclarecimiento y la determinación exacta de cuáles pueden haber sido las fuentes, autores o ideas que influyeron decisivamente el pensamiento de Friedrich Nietzsche y el modo como tales referencias teórico-conceptuales pudieron haber quedado incorporadas y expresadas luego en toda la extensión de su obra, constituye uno de los asuntos más complejos y difíciles de abordar para la investigación académica especializada. A materializar dicha tarea indagatoria se dirige este artículo, buscando con ello proveer una estrategia de lectura que permita visualizar (...)
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    Scientific Eponyms in Latin America: The Case of Jerzy Plebanski in the Area of Mathematical Physics.Francisco Collazo-Reyes, Hugo García-Compeán, Miguel Ángel Pérez-Angón & Jane Margaret Russell - 2018 - Social Epistemology 32 (1):63-74.
    The emergence of the term ‘Plebanski’ as a topic trend in the scientific literature is studied as a significant communication event resulting from its use by authors to refer to the relevant aspects of Jerzy Plebanski scientific work in the area of mathematical physics. We searched the ‘Plebanski’ topic included in the titles, abstracts and key words of the papers registered in five databases: ADS/NASA, MathSciNet, SCOPUS, SPIRES and Web of Science. Our results clearly show the evolution of the JP’s (...)
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    Crítica de libros. [REVIEW]Myriam Hernández Domínguez, Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento, Leopoldo José Prieto López, David Rojas Lizama, Hugo Furones Gabaldón, José Carlos Sánchez-López, Guillermo García Santos, Abel P. Pazos, Emilio Martínez Navarro, Rafael Ruiz Andrés & Piedad Yuste Leciñena - 2020 - Isegoría 63:667-704.
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    Emociones, interacción humana y poder: comentarios a Social Cognition and the Second Person in Human Interaction, de Diana Pérez y Antoni Gomila.Diana Rojas-Velásquez - 2023 - Dianoia 68 (90):133.
    En este comentario destaco algunas virtudes de la propuesta de Diana Pérez y Antoni Gomila en Social Cognition and the Second Person in Human Interaction y planteo dos preguntas. La primera es acerca del papel de las emociones básicas en las interacciones uno a uno a nivel grupal e intergrupal. La segunda se refiere a la influencia que tienen las posiciones de poder en las relaciones humanas y la forma en que éstas alteran o modifican la lectura de los (...)
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    (1 other version)Racionalismo y emotivismo en perspectiva neuroética.Pedro Jesús Pérez Zafrilla - 2017 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 73 (276):575.
    El desarrollo de la neuroética ha tendido a privilegiar el papel de la emoción en detrimento del razonamiento en la deliberación moral. En esta comunicación deseo contraponer dos modelos de deliberación moral que se han articulado desde la neuroética: uno de corte emotivista, desarrollado por Haidt y Lakoff y otro, pretendidamente racionalista, elaborado recientemente por Hugo Mercier. Mi objetivo es determinar si Mercier lleva realmente a cabo una rehabilitación del razonamiento en la neuroética o si, por el contrario, su (...)
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    Solferino 21: Warfare, Civilians and Humanitarians in the Twenty-First Century, de Hugo Slim (2022), Hurst Publishers, 328 p. [REVIEW]Luis Felipe Piedrahita-Ramírez - 2022 - Co-herencia 19 (36):333-336.
    Mucho ha cambiado desde la trágica experiencia de la batalla de Solferino en 1859, retratada por Dunant en su clásica memoria publicada en 1862 la cual motivó el origen de la Cruz Roja, cuyo sistema global ha crecido de manera exponencial desde entonces y ha contribuido a la elaboración y evolución del derecho de la guerra.
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    Intuitive and reflective inferences.Hugo Mercier & Dan Sperber - 2009 - In Jonathan St B. T. Evans & Keith Frankish (eds.), In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond. Oxford University Press. pp. 149--170.
    Much evidence has accumulated in favor of such a dual view of reasoning. There is however some vagueness in the way the two systems are characterized. Instead of a principled distinction, we are presented with a bundle of contrasting features - slow/fast, automatic/controlled, explicit/implicit, associationist/rule based, modular/central - that, depending on the specific dual process theory, are attributed more or less exclusively to one of the two systems. As Evans states in a recent review, “it would then be helpful to (...)
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    Caracterización de las necesidades psicosociales del enfermo oncológico terminal.María de los Angeles Garrido Pérez & Xiomara Bárbara Gil García - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (2):203-216.
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  39. Sobre la impotencia de la libertad.Natalia Sofía García Pérez - 2008 - Studium 14:41-64.
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  40. Teoría del Estado.Andrś Serra Rojas - 1956 - México,: Librería de M. Porrúa.
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  41. Just go ahead and lie.Jennifer Saul - 2012 - Analysis 72 (1):3-9.
    The view that lying is morally worse than merely misleading is a very natural one, which has had many prominent defenders. Nonetheless, here I will argue that it is misguided: holding all else fixed, acts of mere misleading are not morally preferable to acts of lying, and successful lying is not morally worse than merely deliberately misleading. In fact, except in certain very special contexts, I will suggest that – when faced with a felt need to deceive – we might (...)
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  42. Perception, production and imitation of time ratios by skilled musicians.Saul Sternberg & Ronald L. Knoll - 1994 - In Rita Aiello & John A. Sloboda (eds.), Musical perceptions. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 240--57.
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    Memory and Trauma. Philosophical Perspectives.Marina Trakas, de Avila Nathalia & Emily Walsh (eds.) - 2024 - Valparaíso, Chile: Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso.
    Michelle Maiese: Trauma, dissociation, and relational authenticity; Caroline Christoff: Performative trauma narratives: Imperfect memories and epistemic harms; Aisha Qadoos: Ambiguous loss: A loved one's trauma; Alberto Guerrero Velázquez: El trauma está en la respuesta. Hacia una visión post-causal en la definición de trauma psicológico; Clarita Bonamino, Sophie Boudrias, and Melanie Rosen: Dreams, trauma, and prediction errors; Gabriel Corda: Memoria episódica y trastorno de estrés postraumático en animales no humanos: una propuesta metodológica; María López Ríos, Christopher Jude McCarroll, and Paloma Muñoz (...)
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  44. Women in philosophy.Jennifer Saul - 2012 - The Philosophers' Magazine 59 (59):38-43.
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    Only Natural: Gender, Knowledge, and Humankind, by Louise Antony.Jennifer Saul - forthcoming - Mind.
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  46. Ueber die lautgesetze gegen die junggrammatiker.Hugo Schuchardt - 1886 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 22:565-566.
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    Das Experiment: Sein Wesen und seine Geschichte.Hugo Dingler - 2014 - E. Reinhardt.
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    Representing the Enemy.Lara Campos Perez - 2009 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 5 (2):140-161.
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    Die Entstehung Der Kantischen Asthetik.Hugo Falkenheim - 2017 - Hansebooks.
    Die Entstehung der Kantischen Asthetik ist ein unveranderter, hochwertiger Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1890. Hansebooks ist Herausgeber von Literatur zu unterschiedlichen Themengebieten wie Forschung und Wissenschaft, Reisen und Expeditionen, Kochen und Ernahrung, Medizin und weiteren Genres. Der Schwerpunkt des Verlages liegt auf dem Erhalt historischer Literatur. Viele Werke historischer Schriftsteller und Wissenschaftler sind heute nur noch als Antiquitaten erhaltlich. Hansebooks verlegt diese Bucher neu und tragt damit zum Erhalt selten gewordener Literatur und historischem Wissen auch fur die Zukunft (...)
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    Intelligence and Character.John Hugo - 1937 - New Scholasticism 11 (1):58-68.
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